Imlie Teasers July 2024

Monday 1 July 2024
Episode 1051

Agastya educates Annapurna that he recovered possession of the Chaudhary house from Vishwa’s loved ones. He then intends to organize Imlie and Vishwa’s wedding.

Tuesday 2 July 2024
Episode 1052

Vishwa declines Agastya’s Shagun, yet Agastya promises retribution. He demands Imlie to sing at the function.

Wednesday 3 July 2024
Episode 1053

The Chaudharys are dazed by the kidnapping of Chutki and Avinash. Imlie takes steps to put her life in danger to save them.

Thursday 4 July 2024
Episode 1054

Agastya sees Vishwa keeping an eye on Imlie and accepts reality. He tries to hold onto the gadget Vishwa is utilizing.

Friday 5 July 2024
Episode 1055

Vishwa faces Agastya about his confidential discussion with Imlie. Agastya owns up to keeping an eye on her, inciting Vishwa to blame Imlie for being the covered executioner.

Saturday 6 July 2024
Episode 1056

During a fight, Vishwa incapacitates the covered executioner as Imlie fearlessly holds them at gunpoint. Vishwa figures out how to catch a photograph of the attacker.

Sunday 7 July 2024
Episode 1057

Imlie keeps an eye on Vishwa and finds proof to defend Agastya. Afterward, Navya hears Imlie requesting that Agastya help her in going out.

Monday 8 July 2024
Episode 1058

Vishwa blames Agastya for the homicide and requests proof, however, Imlie won’t trust it. Agastya provokes Vishwa to escape with Imlie from the scene.

Tuesday 9 July 2024
Episode 1059

Agastya escapes with Imlie to an unwanted area. The two of them celebrate in establishing uncertainty in Vishwa’s brain about Agastya.

Wednesday 10 July 2024
Episode 1060

Imlie records Vishwa’s admission on her telephone and opens reality to the police. Vishwa concedes rout yet promises vengeance before leaving.

Thursday 11 July 2024
Episode 1061

Vishwa takes steps to demolish Imlie’s life as she uncovered Navya’s control. Afterward, Agastya requests his award from Imlie for winning their bet.

Friday 12 July 2024
Episode 1062

Imlie puts her life in danger to protect Agastya from a vehicle yet neglects to save the observer. Agastya blames Vishwa for the homicide.

Saturday 13 July 2024
Episode 1063

Angrily, Vishwa assaults Imlie and Agastya yet stops prior to hurting Imlie. He later acquiescence to the police, promising retribution.

Sunday 14 July 2024
Episode 1064

Imlie visits the police headquarters where Vishwa reunites her with the one who raised Radha. Imlie brings Radha home and finds she is Agastya’s mom.

Monday 15 July 2024
Episode 1065

Agastya brings Meera into the house, where she conceals her face from the Chaudharys. Meera begs Imlie not to unveil her character to them.

Tuesday 16 July 2024
Episode 1066

Agastya’s reality breaks as Meera’s actual character is disclosed. Imlie and Meera are frightened after a chilling experience with the concealed man.

Wednesday 17 July 2024
Episode 1067

Imlie valiantly faces the concealed assailant to safeguard Meera and herself. At the point when the Chaudharys reject protecting Meera, Imlie settles on an unflinching choice.

Thursday 18 July 2024
Episode 1068

As Agasthya goes through the night in his vehicle, the Chaudharys worry about his nonattendance. In the meantime, Imlie decides to find and bring him home.

Friday 19 July 2024
Episode 1069

At the point when Alka affronts Imlie for permitting Meera into the kitchen, Agasthya and Annapurna protect her. Afterward, Imlie, in a striking move, gets down on one knee to propose to Agasthya.

Saturday 20 July 2024
Episode 1070

Sonali grills Meera after seeing a similar memento as the concealed executioner’s. Meera, troubled by culpability, composes an admission letter to Imlie and hands herself over to the specialists.

Sunday 21 July 2024
Episode 1071

Agastya trusts in Imlie, communicating his longing to wed her and be the family she won’t ever have. Notwithstanding, Sonali alerts Agastya against uncovering reality to Imlie.

Monday 22 July 2024
Episode 1072

While the Chaudharys are involved at the fair, the concealed executioner invades the house to recover the memento. During the experience, Imlie is gone after by the aggressor.

Tuesday 23 July 2024
Episode 1073

The covered executioner harms Agastya and traps him with Imlie in a room. In spite of Agastya’s supplications not to, Imlie penances herself to save his life.

Wednesday 24 July 2024
Episode 1074

Vishwa illuminates Agastya that somebody in his home supported the executioner. Together, they endeavor to divulge reality.

Thursday 25 July 2024
Episode 1075

Imlie effectively escapes from Vishwa’s bondage. Agastya guarantees her of salvage, yet Vishwa finds her before Agastya can contact her.

Friday 26 July 2024
Episode 1076

Navya finds that Agastya’s sibling Dhanraj was hitched to Imlie’s sister Kairi. In the mean time, Agastya frees Imlie from Vishwa’s grip and returns her home.

Saturday 27 July 2024
Episode 1077

Agastya remains by Imlie, promising to safeguard her from any shame. In the mean time, Navya devises one more pernicious plan to demolish Imlie’s life.

Sunday 28 July 2024
Episode 1078

Vishwa defies Ashu, revealing a photo of his folks to serve his secret plan. Agastya carries Ashu to the Chaudhary house accordingly.

Monday 29 July 2024
Episode 1079

Imlie becomes close to home after discovering that Agastya has carried Ashu to the house for the wedding. Ashu finds reality with regards to his dad and illuminates Bulbul.

Tuesday 30 July 2024
Episode 1080

Annapurna finds reality with regards to Imlie and intrudes on the wedding to ask about Kairi. Vishwa controls the Chaudharys against Imlie with a manufactured story.

Wednesday 31 July 2024
Episode 1081

Annapurna intends to arrange a mishap, expecting to nail the fault to Imlie to discourage Agastya from wedding her. Agastya, impacted by Annapurna, requests that Imlie withdraw from the house.

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