Generations: The Legacy September 2024 Teasers

Generations: The Legacy September 2024 Teasers: Veronique’s attempt to uncover incriminating tapes about Octavia faces obstacles, while Octavia learns someone is investigating her past and prepares to counteract. Tjoppie is unexpectedly disturbed by Debbie-Lee’s romantic life, and Joey and Nenna work to keep her home at night.]

Generations: The Legacy September 2024 Teasers

Monday 2 September 2024
Episode 76 (2546)

Lucy feels deserted by her companions. Jack is irritated when Sphe won’t offer a bit of leeway. Ayanda causes two extreme men to feel like chastened school kids.

Tuesday 3 September 2024
Episode 77 (2547)

Everybody’s fretted over whether Minnie will be alright. Anathi severs his ties with the police. Tau looks for help from the last man he needs to.

Wednesday 4 September 2024
Episode 78 (2548)

Zondiwe is distraught to see she has two houseguests rather than one. Fikile’s amigo is driving her insane. Solo isn’t going to get singed two times.

Thursday 5 September 2024
Episode 79 (2549)

Gog’Flo gives Lucy some genuine affection. Ayanda is shaken to hear what her man has as a primary concern. Shock and repulsiveness when Jack uncovers what the Russians are arranging…

Friday 6 September 2024
Episode 80 (2550)

Minnie is dazed by what she finds in the family room. Anathi before long thinks twice about it when he pushes excessively hard. Mpho believes he’s free as a bird yet it turns out he’s not.

Monday 9 September 2024
Episode 81 (2551)

The shebeen is in finished mayhem following the article on Flying News. Melokuhle is sickened by the thing Zobo is inferring. Tau is amazed to hear what Solo maintains that he should do.

Tuesday 10 September 2024
Episode 82 (2552)

Ayanda is apprehensive about gathering the Russian horde chief. Lucy despises experiencing all alone. Pele requests the unthinkable from Sphe…

Wednesday 11 September 2024
Episode 83 (2553)

Mpho’s dull deed winds up costing him beyond all doubt. Rori’s response uncovers a stunning truth. The gathering with the Russians goes off in a strange direction…

Thursday 12 September 2024
Episode 84 (2554)

It’s confusion at The Parlor when the police appear. Zobo isn’t finished with the youthful ‘gatta’ yet.
Appears Jack Mabaso shows at least a bit of kindness all things considered.

Friday 13 September 2024
Episode 85 (2555)

Anathi shows Melokuhle a costly example. At the point when all trust appears to be lost, Pele acts the hero.
Lucy’s way of behaving is getting more bizarre continuously…

Monday 16 September 2024
Episode 86 (2556)

Sphe appears to have solidified her heart for good. Mpho is all set to prison for his wrongdoings. Fikile will not get a welcome to her best bud’s evening gathering.

Tuesday 17 September 2024
Episode 87 (2557)

Think about who just blew once more into town? Charmaine is looking for trouble about the traitor in their middle. Lucy and Minnie are getting on one another’s nerves.

Wednesday 18 September 20024
Episode 88 (2558)

Nozipho controls the man she cheated with. Ayanda goes crazy when she hears what the Shadowman is arranging. Zobo will not take no for a response.

Thursday 19 September 2024
Episode 89 (2559)

Melokuhle resorts to coerce to get everything she could possibly want. The warmed pursuit for the #Ezweni shares proceeds. How could a no-nonsense hoodlum possess a book of scriptures?

Friday 20 September 2024
Episode 90 (2560)

Jack isn’t going to allow a self-important Chief to wreck his arrangements. Mpho has ulterior thought processes in visiting the specialist… Sphe is angry when she understands she was played.

Monday 23 September 2024
Episode 91 (2561)

Khumo gives his woman an example on mercilessness. Tau sets the battlefronts with his old enemy. Ayanda before long thinks twice about it when she pushes excessively hard.

Tuesday 24 September 2024
Episode 92 (2562)

Pele causes problems for attempting to help his step-girl. Lucy refuses to compromise with the youths.
Interview number 2 and Nozipho’s as of now bowing the standards…

Wednesday 25 September 2024
Episode 93 (2563)

The Russians are worked up about their presumptuous guest. Blended responses when the Morokas hear who’s coming to town… Nontle goes sneaking around where she shouldn’t.

Thursday 26 September 2024
Episode 94 (2564)

Melokuhle contemplates whether she and Mpho committed an error. Ayanda knows her little girl’s looking for trouble yet what? Jack has no clue somebody’s paying attention to his discussion…

Friday 27 September 2024
Episode 95 (2565)

Lucy is enraged when a young person sorts her out. Khumo doesn’t have any idea how to conciliate fatigued Nozipho.
The Bratva professional killers appear to have gone Missing.

Monday 30 September 2024
Episode 96 (2566)

Anathi’s protégé beats him unexpectedly. Pele rejects Mandla’s arrangement yet is rattled with.
The secret cabbie uncovers his plan.

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