“Love Through New Eyes Full Story: The storyline follows Avani (Sweetu), a middle-class girl from Ambernath who moves to Mumbai for a job. Upon staying with her mother’s childhood friend, Shaku, Avani meets Shaku’s son, Omkar, sparking a love story. However, their romance faces opposition from Omkar’s elder sister, Malvika, who despises Avani and her family’s financial status.
The narrative delves into the dynamics between two childhood friends, Nalu and Saku, who reunite after years. Nalu’s family resides in a chawl in Ambernath, while Saku’s family enjoys wealth and luxury in Mumbai. As Avani navigates her new life in Mumbai, tensions rise between her and Malvika, who is determined to fulfill her own desires for her brother’s marriage.
PLot Summary
Last week, Zee One announced the debut of a Telugu-led drama, “A Lot Can Happen Over Coffee.” Now, reports indicate Zee World will launch a Marathi-based drama titled “Love Through New Eyes” (Yeu Kashi Tashi Me Nandayla).
The story follows Avani, a middle-class girl who moves to Mumbai for work and stays with her mother’s friend, Shaku, where she meets Shaku’s son, Omkar.
The cast includes Anvita Phaltankar as Avani, Shalva Kinjawadekar as Omkar, and Kishori Ambiye as Shaku. Produced by Tejendra Neswankar, the series originally aired on Zee Marathi from January 4, 2021, to March 19, 2022, with 378 episodes.
Love Through New Eyes Full Cast
Anvita Phaltankar portrays Avani Vasant Salvi / Avani Omkar Khanvilkar (Sweetu), Omkar’s wife, while Shalva Kinjawadekar plays Omkar Khanvilkar (Om), Sweetu’s husband. Shubhangi Gokhale or Kishori Ambiye appears as Shakuntala Khanvilkar (Shaku), Omkar’s mother, and Aditi Sarangdhar depicts Malvika Khanvilkar (Tayde), Omkar’s sister.
Milind Joshi features as Mr. Khanvilkar, Omkar’s father. Other notable cast members include Triyug Mantri as Rocky, Sweetu’s family including Dipti Samel-Ketkar as Nalini Vasant Salvi (Nalu) and Uday Salvi as Vasant Salvi (Dada), as well as various supporting characters portrayed by actors like Umesh Bane, Shubhangi Bhujbal, and Arnav Raje.
I am an independent TVseries critic, writer, and and tech Enthusiast based in Nigeria, focusing on breaking news and trend analysis within the TVseries industry. My work includes chronicling writing on latest Tvseries, Movies, Tvshows, Webseries and Cast updates and authentic Site Reviews.