Evil Affairs June 2024 Teasers Starlife Updated

Evil Affairs June 2024 Teasers Starlife Updated: Saudamini salvages Rachna from a trench during her getaway from Malik. In the mean time, Kapalika sets out to uncover the secret of Nikki’s sacred power.

See Also:Star-Life Evil Affairs Full Story, Plot Summary, Episode and Teasers
Thursday 2 JUNE 2024
Episode 25:

The Gehlots look for Rachana while she finds Saudamini’s malicious arrangement. In the mean time, Nikki faces risk in an overwhelming cavern to satisfy the following custom.

Friday 3 JUNE 2024
Episode 26:

Nikki shrewdly safeguards Piyush from Rakshaudi’s grip yet faces a situation when Rakshaudi asks for her life, demanding the arrival of her endurance organ.

Saturday 4 JUNE 2024
Episode 27:

Nikki declares something critical as Malik releases his anger on Bhurangarh’s kin. Piyush becomes infuriated when Nikki decides to end their marriage.

Sunday 5 JUNE 2024
Episode 28:

Nikki faces Piyush’s double dealing and demands a separation. Upon his arrangement, they participate in the ceremonies to repeal their marriage.

Monday 6 JUNE 2024
Episode 29:

While Rachana serves Prasad to Malik, Kapalika fumes out of frustration for her bombed plan. In the mean time, Saudamini cunningly stays in the royal residence, plotting to hold onto the high position.

Tuesday 7 JUNE 2024
Episode 30:

Kapalika brings Kaalmukhi to get Nikki’s horoscope subtleties. Nikki encounters scary sensations as a strange dream transforms into a bad dream.

Wednesday 8 JUNE 2024
Episode 31:

Interested by the strange image inked on her skin, Nikki sees it dispersed all through the castle. Not set in stone, she intends to uncover its importance.

Thursday 9 JUNE 2024
Episode 32:

Sumitra and her relatives are unnerved by impressions prompting the mystery room. Notwithstanding confronting various deterrents, Nikki arrives at the room with a mystery book.

Friday 10 JUNE 2024
Episode 33:

Saudamini secretively enters the sepulcher and takes the Malik Puran. In the interim, Nikki goes with Piyush outside the manor to reveal reality with regards to Malik.

Saturday 11 JUNE 2024
Episode 34:

Nikki finds out about Piyush’s precursor, Vishwajit, who turned into Bhurangarh’s ruler by making a settlement with Malik. In the interim, Saudamini digs into the mysteries inside the mystery book.

Sunday 12 JUNE 2024
Episode 35:

In the wake of uncovering Gehlot’s familial history, Saudamini plans to pacify Malik. Interestingly, Nikki unflinchingly chooses to play out the Shaitani Rasmein to go up against Malik.

Monday 13 JUNE 2024
Episode 36:
Nikki questions Piyush about Kapalika, however he misleads safeguard her from reality. Notwithstanding Piyush’s admonition, Nikki sets out to find Kapalika all alone.

Tuesday 14 JUNE 2024
Episode 37:

Kapalika offers Sunaina abundance in return for revering Malik and complying with his orders. Afterward, she educates Sunaina to get Nikki’s skin, hair, and a nail for her.

Wednesday 15 JUNE 2024
Episode 38:

Nikki sets out on a mission to reveal a secret area in Bhurangarh, while Kapalika takes steps to uncover Nikki’s real essence subsequent to making a stunning revelation about her.

Thursday 16 JUNE 2024
Episode 39:
Kapalika is scared after finding the mystery of Nikki’s introduction to the world. In the mean time, Nikki’s resolved pursuit prompts the revelation of the tragically missing articles of love and the icon.

Friday 17 JUNE 2024
Episode 40:

Kapalika disposes of Kalmukhi and targets Nikki. Aarohi saves Nikki and unveils her arrangement to defy Kapalika, getting ready to battle the underhanded power.

Saturday 18 JUNE 2024
Episode 41:
Nikki plans to bring and trap Kapalika utilizing sacred things to force her to organize a gathering with Malik. Vikram chides Nikki for her activities.

Sunday 19 JUNE 2024
Episode 42:
Kapalika answers Nikki’s summons, prompting a fight between them. Nikki keenly traps Kapalika and requests she take her to Malik.

Monday 20 JUNE 2024
Episode 43:

Kapalika firmly holds Nikki, however she utilizes the harpoon to break free. In the battle, Nikki routs Kapalika yet accidentally harms herself with the weapon
Through help from above, Nikki finds Kapalika’s break. She endeavors to convince Vikram to leave from Bhurangarh and stand against Malik.

Wednesday 22 JUNE 2024
Episode 45:
Nikki relates her strange experience to Piyush following Kapalika’s loss. In the mean time, Vikram reports his family’s choice to travel to Bhurangarh.

Thursday 23 JUNE 2024
Episode 46:

Saudamini faces Malik, educating him regarding the Gehlots’ choice to leave Bhurangarh. Accordingly, the Bhurangarh public rush to get away from Malik’s grip.

Friday 24 JUNE 2024
Episode 47:

Malik prevents the townspeople from leaving Bhurangarh. Pratik concedes Nikki’s impact in their choice. Nikki, under coercion, promises at no point ever to challenge Malik in the future.

Saturday 25 JUNE 2024
Episode 48:

Vikram hides the impending risk of Nikki’s demise and the arrangement to lead her last customs.

Sunday 26 JUNE 2024
Episode 49:

Blindfolded, Nikki enters Chaya Dayan as a component of a test. She acknowledges the demand and ceases from checking the Daayan out. Upon her protected return, Piyush questions her about the Daayan’s acknowledgment.

Monday 27 JUNE 2024
Episode 50:
Pratik cautions Vikram that assuming the Daayan neglects to show up in Bhurangarh, Malik will fight back by rebuffing them. He asks Vikram to safeguard their loved ones.

Tuesday 28 JUNE 2024
Episode 51:
Nikki orchestrates an unexpected birthday festivity for Sumitra and consults with Aarohi about it. In the mean time, the Daayan defies Malik, ridiculing his absence of control.

Wednesday 29 JUNE 2024
Episode 52:

The Daayan visits the Bhurangarh castle, convincing the illustrious family to bow before her. She then, at that point, calls Nikki and compels her to take care of the royals spoiled food.

Thursday 30 JUNE 2024
Episode 53:

Saudamini endeavors to win the Daayan’s approval by proposing to dress her up. The Daayan rebuffs Sapna for inducing Sumitra against her.

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